Saturday, October 25, 2008


We only have to open our eyes and SEE THEM.They are in ourLOCAL Hockey Arenas, ourLOCAL Schools,ourLOCAL stores,ourLOCAL Transit system,our LOCAL law enforcement AGENCIES,our
Educators ,Our Doctors ,OUR Lawyers ,our Local Farmers, our IncrediblyTalented Musicians,and
The list goes on & on & on. We live in such a large melting pot of TALENT IN THIS CITY and
still we look to other places in the WORLD to define ourselves. Example--all our condos have
american names like Malibu Place or Hollywood drive or Venice beach lofts, how about
The MOOSE loftS or PUCK PLACE OR The MAPLE syrup condos.
As an IMMIGRANT to this country over
34 years ago, I can say I'm proud to live and work in this great Country of ours called CANADA.. Lets' start looking at what we have to offer to the WORLD and stop trying to be
the rest of the WORLD!OurNEW MAGAZINE will do exactly that, showcase local people in and around Toronto,how they live and WORK, As well as CELEBRITIES that are in our city
either filming a movie or performing here... STAY TUNED IT'S ON IT'S WAY!....